The New F&W Food & Wine Subscriptions are personally curated by the Fischer & Wieser family. Our subscription boxes will include products from the F&W family of brands, exclusive merchandise, and a note from the family.
Quarterly Food Subscriptions:
Choose from two collections that will be shipped each quarter.
Enjoy a 10% discount off the regular retail price and free shipping.
You first order will be shipped immediately with future boxes to be shipped the second week of the following months. (January, April, July, October)
Large Farmstead Box will have a mix of four to five products, at least one branded merchandise item, and a mystery product only available at our Farmstead retail store.
- Small Farmstead Box will feature a mix of three jams, jellies, and preserves, and one mystery jelly only available at our Farmstead retail store.
Wine Subscription (TEXAS RESIDENTS ONLY*):
Enjoy great savings with our wine subscription boxes - Buy two wines and get the third mystery wine for free.
TX Mixed Wine- One white wine, one red wine and one mystery wine with QR code for wine information and pairings.
*Shipping only available in Texas due to shipping regulations*